Last updated: 25/04/2023

Card Payment Policy and Procedures

Thank you for the interest shown for the Star Taxi App application developed and operated by Star Taxi App S.R.L.
Throughout the use of the Star Taxi application, you undertake to observe the following terms and conditions.

Section A – General Considerations

Art 1. As an additional facility, likely to make the use of the Star Taxi Application more attractive, Star Taxi APP S.R.L. has implemented the card payment directly through Star Taxi Application, for the Transport Services engaged by using the Star Taxi Application.

Art.2. The Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator expressly represent that they fully understand and accept that Star Taxi APP S.R.L. favor card payment through the Star Taxi Application, therefore it could implement a system to encourage the card payment, including some parameters that favor those Drivers which have accepted card payment or any other technical and/or economic facilities that they consider to be appropriate.

Art.3. The Terms and Conditions apply in full, including in the situations when the Transport Services imply the acceptance of card payment through the Star Taxi Application.

Section B – Joining a Payment Platform

Art.4. The Driver and the Licensed Transport Operator understand and agree that the implementation of the card payment through Star Taxi Application necessarily involves that both the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator as well as Star Taxi APP S.R.L. must adhere a payment platform (hereinafter referred to as “Payment Platform”), chosen by Star Taxi APP S.R.L., basically a third party that provides payment collection services under contracts concluded between the operator of the Payment Platform and the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator, and, respectively, Star Taxi APP S.R.L.

Art.5. The Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator claim that understand and agree that Star Taxi APP S.R.L. may decide, at any moment, to use another Payment Platform, as it will considerate appropriate, and, such a change may not entail any payment obligations by Star Taxi APP S.R.L. to the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator, or any compensations, cost coverings (eventually additional costs or compensation payments in case of moving to another Payment Platform) or any other financial consideration, regardless of the legal cause or legal theory on which a possible payment request could be based. The Art. 6.11. of the Terms and Conditions will be fully applied.

Section C – Automated Invoicing Approval

Art.6. Considering the requirements for an optimal implementation of card payments through Star Taxi Application, as well as any other payment obligations referred to in Terms and Conditions, the parties agree to determine an automated invoicing regime which is made by Star Taxi APP S.R.L. under the following conditions:

    • In accordance with the provisions of S. 319 , par. (18) of Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Fiscal Code”), The Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator give the right to Star Taxi APP S.R.L. to issue invoices (hereinafter referred to as “Invoices”) in the name and on behalf of the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator, related to any commercial operations/transactions that are the object of the Terms and Conditions and that give a billing right to the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator and that have as debtor the company Star Taxi APP S.R.L.
    • By accepting this Annex, the Driver and/or the Transport Operator expressly empower and authorize Star Taxi APP S.R.L. to issue the Invoices in the name and on behalf of them, thereby committing themselves not to issue other invoices for the same operations or transactions for which they have authorized Star Taxi APP S.R.L. to issue Invoices.
    • The Invoices will be issued by Star Taxi APP S.R.L. in strict compliance with the provisions of the Fiscal Code and the Methodological Norms, and the instructions for the application of the provisions of the Fiscal Code and/or any other applicable legal or regulatory norms in force.
    • The Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator are obliged to provide to Star Taxi APP S.R.L. all necessary information for the preparation of the Invoices by Star taxi APP S.R.L. (Unique Registration Code, registration code for VAT purposes, Order Number in Trade Register, name, legal form, registered office, share capital, information on the application of the VAT collection system) and contact data (correspondence address and e-mail address). To the extent that such data is modified or invalidated in any way, the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator are obliged to fully notify Star Taxi APP S.R.L. about all such changes.
    • Any other obligations established by the Fiscal Code or any other law (in a general sense) regarding the management of finance and accounting documents related to the delivery of goods, or the provisions of services are under the exclusively responsibility of the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator (including, but not limited to, the obligation to register the Invoices in a special sales journal).
    • By accepting this Annex, the Driver and/or the Transport Operator expressly and irrevocably mandated Star Taxi APP S.R.L. to assign and manage accordingly the numbers of the issued Invoices in the name and on behalf of them.
    • All and any Invoice shall be available in the registered account in the Star Taxi Application of each Driver and/or Licensed Transport Operator and any non-conformity must be communicated by the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator within maximum 2 [two] days from the date on which the Invoices are available in the account of the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator, otherwise the Invoices will be considered fully valid and accepted by the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator.
    • To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law and in accordance with any mandatory legal requirements, Star Taxi APP S.R.L. may waive the automated invoicing system described above, regarding one, part of or all obligations that are subject to the Invoices.
    • This agreement of automated invoicing is fully applicable within the entire period of applicability of the Terms and Conditions, unless it has been unilaterally terminated, in whole or in part, in accordance with the above provisions (viii), by Star Taxi APP S.R.L., by a notice sent within 5 [five] days before it takes effect.

Section D – Lack of Modification of the Contracts of Transportation

Art.7. The card payment through Star Taxi Application does not modify and it is not desirable in any way to modify the type and nature of the contractual relationship between the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator, on one hand, and the Customer, on the other hand. Therefore, the transportation agreement will be considered further concluded between the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator, on one hand, and the Customer, on the other hand. The payment for the taxi transportation through Star Taxi Application still obliges the Driver and/or the Licensed Transport Operator to fully comply with the Law no. 38/2003 and with the legislation and, therefore, the Client’s card debiting will be exclusively made with the payment value registered at the end of the trip by the taxi meter.

Section E – Facilities

Art.8. Star Taxi APP S.R.L. considers that card payment through Star Taxi Application of the taxi transportation services is a modern and a secure way of payment for the taxi transportation services and thus it aims to encourage it. On a discretionary basis, without this being created or interpreted as if, in the future, there could be created any kind of rights, Star Taxi APP S.R.L. will bear the costs of transportations services intermediated through Star Taxi Application and for which the Customer had chosen the card payment through Star Taxi Application, insofar as the card payment platform, involved in card payment collection, certifies that the respective transactions have not been confirmed even after 60 [sixty] days from the date of the respective taxi ride.

Art.9. The value of these unconfirmed card payments for the rides will be borne by Star Taxi APP S.R.L., which will credit the Drivers and/or the Licensed Transport Operators within 30 [thirty] days from the appropriate certification from behalf of the card payment platform.

Art.10. The driver and / or the Licensed Transport Operator declare that he understood that once enrolled for the card payment option through the Star Taxi Application it can no longer be deactivated from this option. If the driver wants to deactivate this option for reasons related to his employer, the driver can use the StarTaxi application again only when he finds another card payment trader.

Here you may find the procedure of accepting StarTaxi’s card orders and the details of this option.